Friday, May 1, 2009

Pushing Forth The Gospel In This Nation

Well.... I will start this blog off saying that this is very hardcore but needs to be heard by so many Christians. Right off the bat i will say that I am not some self righteous guy just looking to rip everybody down, I am just a guy that wants to see Jesus Christ do explosive things in this nation. Understanding that I am working on these things as well.
Well... Here we go, so since I have been a Christian and as i study my bible I have always prayed Jesus do something amazing in this nation, spread your word amongst your people we need to hear it, we are so lost as a nation. That would always be my prayer, and i would say God whats it going to take for your spirit to in a sense just wreck shop in this nation. And i had heard it before but as I have been growing in Christ I am hearing it more and more and its starting to make more and more sense. I felt him say "its going to take my people that call themselves my people to stop focusing on themselves and focus on me", and that may sound so typical but what i mean by that is "my people focus so much on the things that they have and not the things that they can give away" as Christians why is it that we are so focused on the things that we can receive rather than the things that we can give away. Let me just give some scripture to show you what I am saying right here because its like Paul sayed in 1 Corinthians 1:17 I do not come with words of eloquent wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power. So i am just going to show you some things that took place biblicaly in the church. And just as a bullet before i go there if you read your bible its so easy to that in the gospels and in the letters that Paul wrote that the church was EXPLODING!!! It never stopped growing. Why is this you might add its because they were constantly giving up of themselves constantly giving up there goods, giving up their lives and not just because but they were doing it to show Christ real. To show Christ to other people. Just like in the book of Acts 2:45 when they were selling all of there goods and distributing them to people who were in need. THIS IS WHY THE CHURCH GREW.
I don't even have enough space to get into the whole thing but read the whole 9th chapter in 1 Corinthians and see what Paul is talking about, when he is saying give up your rights so that the kingdom of God can be pushed forward. I heard i wise man say this and it has stuck with me it is so ironic that we think that in this nation we are so blessed we think the church here is so amazing and we tend to get arrogant in that, but he said its so ironic that "the biblical church was started off so small and made a HUGE impact, and in America we have some of the biggest Churchs that make little to no impact". Even overseas right now there are people who are having their rights taking away, giving up their rights and the church is moving so rapidly. But us... we just go to church on Sunday, Wednesday, bible studies, minister to people here and there. BUT then we go home to our 2 story houses and our 7 Televisions 3 cars and say that we are just blessed. All Christians would agree that we are called and meant to be like Christ, but isn't it ironic that we preach a gospel about a man who was sacrificed yet we have little to no sacrificing in our lives. Isn't it ironic that we preach a gospel about a man who was uncomfortable his entire life, yet all we seek is being comfortable. I fear that we can get so caught up in thinking that it is just the blessings of God and that someone would say we don't have to go through that kind of suffering because Jesus already did that. and I would say read 1 Peter 4 were Peter says to prepare yourself to take on the same things that Christ did. Read Galatians 2:20 were it says I am crucified with Christ. We totally take out of context the Crucifixion. The Crucifixion was to save our souls from hell, but alot of times we think that it was to make our lives on earth comfortable. That's not the case because if it was what would you do with all of my on fire for God Christian friends that live in Guatemala or South Africa or Indonesia where they go through persecution on a daily basis.
We get so caught up in our material things. We don't spend money for the sake of the gospel, yet we spend money on making our homes bigger and just saying its the blessings for God.
Since when did blessings become about possessions and money. My bible says you are blessed when you are persecuted for the sake of the Gospel. Once again if you know me I am not a guy seeking to be beaten or to have my hands cut off, if it happens then it happens and i will take it on. But that's not what I am trying to say, I am just a guy who wants to see the true worshipers(what we put our worth in) rise up, because that's when the church is really going to go forward.
The church grew when people give themselves up for Jesus, Because outsiders truly see God in that. Overseas when i was in Guatemala people give there lives for other people to see Jesus known, the willingness to give up all that they had for people just overflowed through that place, but most of us in America we so easily make it about us. When the TRUE Gospel is taking Care of the orphans and widows. But rather than spending money on helping elderly, rather than spending money on sponsoring a kid overseas or better yet helping out with some orphans in this nation we want to get that bigger television that better car or that bigger house and we say that its the blessings from God. When in actuality the gospel is world wide which means it means the same things everywhere. So how can blessings mean money and stuff over here if in other countries they don't have those things. Are they not blessed? YES! they are blessed, we have just made the scriptures mean what we want it to. Also how can you say that a blessing from God can stop you from doing what his word has called you to do, its not supposed to you are blessed to be a blessing. I believe it was John the Baptist that said If you have 2 coats don't look at them and say "Yes I have two coats, but rather give one away to someone in need". And we can read that and love it, but understanding that if we bring that in modern day terms it is speaking of all of our possessions. All of our wealth. I really believe that Jesus is going to do something huge in this nation. But i believe that the Body of Christ will Truly become explosive when Gods people truly give of themselves and give up their lives, and give of themselves.
I love every single one of you that reads this
Until next time.

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